Rhealyz Africa Advocacy Using Storytelling (End GBV)- Kiana’s Story Part 1- “The Wake”
It feels like yesterday, wrapping itself like a mist in my mind, although blurry like the rise of harmattan but as clear as day in my head, as every piece unfolds itself. As I vividly remember how I tried as hard as to wake up from the nightmare, unfortunately, I was still wide awake and it wasn’t a nightmare, it wasn’t a ‘tragic story. I was right there seeing it all and I made a mental note not to ever forget this day ‘March 28, 2012’.
Saturday, March 28 2012 started as a normal day for me, though it felt awkward and I immediately knew something was odd. But then, I told myself to wave it off and enjoy my day and quickly attend to the noise my stomach was making because I slept off the previous night without dinner. After breakfast and my chores, I remembered it was my friend’s birthday (maybe that is why I cannot forget just the day alone but also the date). You would agree with me that as a child, birthdays are one of those occasions in our lives that we look forward to. Although Gloria was not around, her mother told me she traveled and will be back on the 27th- the day before her birthday, so we could celebrate together. I was so happy because Gloria was not just a friend to me but my first childhood friend. We have been close for zero years, we quarreled over almost every little thing but make up almost immediately. We are birds of a feather and are even neighbors.
“Where do you think you are going?”
I could tell it was my brother, I was surprised at the questions and thought he was teasing me but the next statement made me curious.
“Gloria is not around, don’t bother going there or else mummy will beat you”.
I saw Gloria’s sister from the previous night and she told me Gloria was back but was having a slight fever and will still celebrate her birthday. I was a very curious girl and instantly knew something was wrong, and I was ready to probe into it but my brother was going to be of no help as he already made it obvious that he was in no mood for my questions.
Moreover, my mother already left a message for me to stay indoors, I sneaked out through the back door heading straight towards Gloria’s backyard, it was not the thought of the birthday that pulled me close but the curiosity and the feeling that something was amiss. I went straight for Gloria’s bedroom window as this was not the first time I was sneaking out to meet her. I was about to climb onto the window’s burglary proof when I fell right into the pot filled with sand and flowers, I was stubborn as something kept telling me to go back home but I was determined to find out what was happening, I heard a noise and thought someone had spotted me, I listened carefully and it was not a usual noise.
“People were weeping!”. I quickly got up, climbed, and peeped into Gloria’s room. People were gathered around her bed weeping.
By Abana Asabe for the 16days of activism against all forms of violence against women and girls.
Picture Credit- Pexels
… to be continued