Rhealyz Africa Advocacy Using Storytelling (End GBV)- Kiana’s Story Part 9 “Incision”
“Gloria, what are you talking about?” I asked perplexed
“Kiana, these people are evil, can you remember what our teacher taught us about barbarism, that she said female circumcision is illegal and dangerous?”
“??… Yes yes, but what does that have to do with you?” I asked still confused
“Kiana I saw with my own eyes how they seized Jemimah, my cousin I told you about, they told some strong men to seize her and lock her up in a room, Kiki I swear the sight was terrible, I went to hide. They took a blade…… Kiki…… they cut Jemimah…. Kiki, Jemimah was screaming she was in pain it was like a nightmare….” Gloria cried as her words stumbled against each other.
“Gloria calm down, thank God you are coming back next tomorrow right, and you said Grandma is fond of you right, then I don’t think they have any plans on doing that to you” I tried to calm Gloria, but deep down I asked the question “what if they had planned on doing that to Gloria?” no-no, it can’t be, I have to be optimistic
“Kiki Grandma mentioned something like that, she said female genital mutilation keeps a woman from going wayward like having sex before getting married. Thankfully our teacher already told us that all these things are myths but these people are very ignorant they don’t know the dangers involved, Gloria what if I am next?”
I tried to think of the right thing to say to pacify Gloria, but I knew truly well that Gloria had a point.
“Gloria, is there a way for you to escape?”
“I am not sure but what about if I pretend to be sick maybe they might let me off,” Gloria said with determination
“I can’t go through that trauma again, the pain would be too much, I might even bleed to death, this is too much” Gloria lamented
“Just calm down ok and think of something, please be very careful, don’t worry when you get back we will make sure you forget about this horrible experience,” I said with optimism and confidence
“Kiki, I would find a way!”
By Abana Asabe for the 16 days of activism for Rhealyz Africa
Picture Credit- Rhealyz Africa