“Rhealyz Africa Advocacy Using Storytelling (End GBV)- Kiana’s Story Part 13 “Survival Series”
At first, I drew back into my shell, I found it hard to speak up literarily but then I turned to something I loved most, ‘writing’.
Then I compiled the poems I wrote throughout the times I was traumatized to when I decided to become a survivor hoping and believing they would inspire someone out there.
It was “my survival series”
Engulfed in an oppressing silence
Locked up in a world of silence
I tried to speak
The walls kept mocking me
As the words kept hitting
The walls and bouncing back
In complete opposition
of my will to speak
everything seems to be mocking me
“I should have stayed silent”
Perhaps, the walls could render solace
I am frightened by the power my voice carries
I wanna stay locked up
In my little attic –lonely
And Quiet
“Reasons to live give reasons to die,” Papa said
“someone needs that voice” Mama screamed
Maybe the walls weren’t interesting
In my voice “yet”
But they have forgotten
I still have my pen
And one day
The walls will stay Quiet
When I speak!
Survivors are encouraged to speak out and break the culture of silence. It not only encourages others but it also position them to find help.
By Abana Asabe for the 16 days of activism.
Picture Credit- Pexels